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Health Remedies - Polydipsia (Excessive Thirst)

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Polydipsia is excessive thirst. The urge to drink too much beyond a certain limit may be the result of an underlying disease, either physical or emotional. It is very often the reaction to fluid loss during exercise, to eating salty and spicy foods, profuse sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting and drugs such as anticholinergics, demeclocycline, diuretics, phenothiazines. Pathologic polydipsia is the most commonest symptom of diabetes. Other pathologic conditions causing polydipsia include hemorrhages, severe infections, burns, and heart, liver, or kidney failure.

Useful herbs

Abelmoschus esculentus

Gonorrhoea and problems with the urogenital system (mucilage of fruit); catarrh and throat problems (fruit capsule); as a poultice (leaf and fruit capsule); gonorrhea (roots and leaves);the immature capsules is demulcent, diuretic and emollient; the seeds are antispasmodic, cordial, stimulant and allay thirst, cure stomatitis, dyspepsia, urinary discharge,leucoderma and itch.

Benincasa hispida

Epilepsy (fruit juice); for intestinal worms (shelled seeds); dandruff (seed and peel); in periodic attacks of hysteria, peptic ulcers, coagulating blood, general debility, as a purifying agent, cancer, obesity, hemoptysis, used in the treatment of coughs, fevers, excessive thirst and tuberculosis; painful wounds (rind).

Coleus forskohlii

Stomach problems (leaf) and as a tonic (root). The whole plant is used to treat dyspepsia, indigestion, dysentery, vomiting, thirst fever, dermatitis, psoriasis, ulcer bleeding diseases, obesity, asthma and pediatric disorders like diarrhoea, thirst, vomiting and fever.

Cyperus esculentus

Promote urine production and menstruation (plant); in the treatment of flatulence, indigestion, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, debility and excessive thirst (tubers)

Eriobotrya japonica

Used to treat bronchitis, cough, fever, and nausea (leaves); is used as a drink to fight nausea and to stop vomiting (juice of bark); to quench excessive thirst (fruit)

Fagonia cretica

Fever, thirst, vomiting, dysentery, asthma, urinary discharges, liver trouble, dropsy, delirium, typhoid, toothache, stomach troubles, skin diseases and protects against acquiring smallpox(plant).

Garcinia indica

In skin diseases and dysentery (leaf); as an astringent (bark and fruit) and ointment (in conditions such as ulcers and dry skin) (seed oil). The fruit is used in the form of juice to treat gulma, deficient digestion, thirst and diseases of mouth. Used to treat piles, dysentery, tumours, pains and heart ailments.

Hiptage benghalensis

In cutaneous diseases, for scabies (leaves); in chronic rheumatism and asthma (plant); biliousness, cough, burning sensation, thirst and inflammation (leaf and bark)

Hygrophila auriculata

As an aphrodisiac and a tonic (seed); in cancer and tubercular fistula (plant); in urogenital disorders (such as spermatorrhea) and impotence, as a uterine sedative for pregnant women and for treating diseases of the blood and biliousness, to treat rheumatism, gonorrhoea, jaundice, anasarca, diarrhoea, dysentery, thirst, urinary calculi and urinary discharges, inflammations, biliousness, diseases of the eyes, pains, high blood pressure, ascites and abdominal troubles, anaemia, constipation and anuria.

Lilium polyphyllum

In bronchitis, cough, problems with milk secretion in postpartum females, rheumatism, debility, seminal weakness, hyperdipsia, strangury, periodic fevers, hematemesis and as a tonic; used in "Ashtavarga" medicine.

Manilkara hexandra

As a tonic and in fevers (bark); Also used in jaundice, flatulence, dyspepsia, burning sensations, helminthiasis, constipation, catarrh, bronchitis, leprosy and dipsia (plant).

Mesua ferrea

To treat diarrhoea with blood, hiccough, leucorrhoea for conception and bleeding piles (stamens and flowers), the leaves are applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds, for sores, scabies, wounds, and rheumatism (seed oil), antidote for snake poison (roots), for bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus (dried flowers), are also prescribed for excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough, and for indigestion (fresh flowers).

Nymphaea nouchali

The rhizome has cooling and tonic properties. Used to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, dipsia and general debility. Seeds are cooling, constipating, aphrodisiac, stomachic and restorative. Used to treat dipsia, diarrhoea and dermatopathy.

Onosma bracteatum

For reducing fever and alleviating spasms. A decoction is used in the treatment of rheumatism, syphilis and leprosy. The plant is considered to be useful in relieving excessive thirst and restlessness in febrile excitement, and also to be useful in relieving functional palpitation of the heart, irritation of the bladder and stomach, and strangury.

Passiflora laurifolia

Against worm trouble (roots and leaf decoction); quenches thirst, allays heat, induces an appetite (fruit)

Phaseolus trilobus

In general debility, malnutrition, fatigue, constipation, fever, burning sensation, thirst, piles, dysentery, cough, gout and biliousness

Phoenix dactylifera

For ague, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, catarrh, chest, condylomata, cough, diarrhea, eyes, fatigue, fever, flu, gonorrhea, endurations, longevity, piles, pterygia, splenitis, sterility, stomachache, thirst, toothache, tuberculosis, urogenital ailments, vaginitis, virility, warts, and whitlows

Sesbania grandiflora

For bruises, catarrh, dysentery, sore eyes, fevers, headaches, smallpox, sores, sorethroat, and stomatitis (plant); used in treating smallpox and other eruptive fevers (bark); to treat headache, head congestion, or stuffy nose (flower juice); poulticed onto bruises, for epilepsy, gout, itch, leprosy, nyctalopia, and ophthalmia (leaves); on rheumatic swellings, for inflammation (root powder);for anemia, bronchitis, fever, pain, thirst, and tumors (fruits); for biliousness, bronchitis, gout, nyctalopia, ozoena, and quartan fever (flowers).

Tinospora cordifolia

To treat fever (irregular and chronic), jaundice, thrist, vomiting, arthritis, skin diseases, cough, as rejuvenative for purifying breast-milk, eye diseases,secondary syphilis, rheumatism, constipation, tuberculosis, and leprosy. It is a blood purifier and may be useful in AIDS and other immune diseases also. It is also being proposed for cancer patients before and after chemotherapy.

Triticum aestivum

For cancers, corns, tumors, warts, and whitlow (seeds); biliousness and intoxication (young stems); malaise, sore throat, thirst, abdominal coldness and spasmic pain, constipation and cough (seed sprout)

Vetiveria zizanioides

In stomach ulcers, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, as an astringent and in quenching thirst (root); in colic, vomiting and as a linimint (for lumbago, rheumatism and sprains) (root oil)to treat fainting, indigestion, thirst, diarrhoea, diseases of heart, cough, hiccough, respiratory diseases, difficult micturition, fever with burning sensation morbid thirst, and skin diseases.

Woodfordia fruticosa

In sores, ulcers, problems with mucous membranes of the body, hemorrhages, seminal weakness, menorrhagia, as a tonic, stimulant (in pregnancy) and astringent (flower), bowel disorders (including dysentery) (plant and flower), to treat thirst, toothache, bleeding, anorexia, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea and herpes.

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